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Landscape Photography of some of the most beautiful places in Ireland .. and beyond

Lough Tay in full bloom (video presentation)

Lough Tay in full bloom (video presentation)

For a long time I have been wondering of how to present my works online. Panoramic format is not the easiest to be displayed on digital devices, especially on the hand-held ones. As these are mostly used in a vertical layout, the proportions and quality of my photographs are often not seen in the way they should.

It came to my mind one day, that there is a medium which can bring the viewer closer to the image and even help to create a a small story. By wandering the camera through the image itself it allows to bring us closer to all the subjects captured on the composite works.

Never before have I utilized the great platform of YouTube, now the time has come to finally do. Has it worked ? I will let you decide. 

Please leave a comment and tell us what you think. I would really appreciate it!

PS: If you can, watch the vide in full HD resolution of 1080p to appreciate it's quality.

Thank you.

Lough Tay - August 2014 video

"Arché - Elements of Nature" (Exhibition retrospective)

"Arché - Elements of Nature" (Exhibition retrospective)